Compared to last week’s there’s a whole lot more detail on those stones and even on the clothing folds. I don’t remember in the blur that was getting all of this done, but I am damn sure that I must have ended a day with the previous page and started a new day with this one.
I wish I was willing to just leave bits undrawn and copy them in Photoshop. On a page like this where I reuse the steps a few times, it would have saved me a whole bunch of time, probably. It’s just sheer pride that keeps me eyeballing previous panels and drawing them out again by hand, copying as best I can (and always resulting in great big obvious differences between the two). There’s just a charm in the handmade, hand-drawn-hand-paintedness that I can’t get away from.
Maybe someday I’ll talk myself into compromising on that too, but maybe not. I really do like the end result too much.