I hope it’s not truly an annual thing. I’m really hoping I can just maintain it this coming year and end off 2019 with something to fall back on and a sense of victory. We’ll give it another shot.
I’ve been very close to working deadline-to-deadline in this last chunk of the year. Christmas took that down even further and lit the fire under my butt, so I spent this last week drawing a full ten weeks’ worth of new material. I’m looking forward to getting these all done and having that wiggle room back in my routine. I’m still rather proud of myself for coasting on the last batch all the way to the end of 2018 despite the troubles, though. I’m on to something here!
Now for my next big project, while I work on inking and painting these: I’ve got to get a big commission done that I’ve been posting timelapse videos of for patrons so I can have my drafting table back. 😉 I’m aiming for getting all the inks and paints on that one finished by the end of January and then comes the adventure of scanning it for safety, shipping it, and doing a little “please survive transit” dance. Then I can post the finished work publicly.
Now that Christmas chaos is complete and New Year’s is almost here, I’m also looking forward to getting back to routine in the new year with a focus on doing art and writing regularly. The rhythm I had going in late November and early December was working really well to keep me mindful of all those times when I could squeeze creativity into my day and the results were great. I want to keep that up and bring even more to you guys. <3
On that note, I have more things to do and an art piece to start so that I can finish it in 2019. Look for more from me soon!