I mentioned this earlier in the Suggest-a-Sketch post, and I’ll admit, I was initially not going to do this thing for a little while yet.
Unfortunately, life sometimes has other plans, and this morning a bill arrived in my mailbox somewhat unexpectedly informing me that SURPRISE! I owe a few hundred to the tax man. Needless to say, its had the same effect on my finances that a small meteor would have on the face of a defenseless moon and things are kiiiiind of in chaos at the moment.
So I’m taking it as a sign and opening up the first test bed of commissions, exclusively for patrons: custom tikedi and tekk designs!
It goes like this: for a flat fee of $50 USD, you can custom design your own character. They can be Tarsin, Tieke, Harangin, a mix, or heck, if you want me to try my hand at making them bright pink and green, I am so completely down with that. We can talk hair and clothing ideas. Basically anything goes. Tekk are the same: any color, any patterns, have fun with accessories and clothing bits. I want this to be fun for both sides.
For an extra $25 USD on top of that, I’ll slot them into the story as a cameo. Yes! Even if they’re bright pink. I’m a writer, it’s my job to explain this stuff. It keeps me on my toes.
These’ll be drawn, inked, and painted with watercolors, just like my comic pages (rather like Sarestra above). If you’d like the finished product shipped to you, shipping is an extra $10 USD for anywhere in the world. If you’re okay with just a digital file, I’ll scan it at as high a resolution as my scanner will allow (which is aboouuuut 600 dpi or so).
I’m going to open four slots to start with. There will likely be a future batch of these to come, too.
You can either message me through Patreon here, or send me an email at meghan.beverly@gmail.com with the subject “Patreon Commission” and we’ll get to talking it out.
All right! We’re going to officially give this a try, then. Hit me with your best shot!
Open Slots
1. WDG – Done!
2. Rubje – Done!
3. Erich Beyer – Done!
4. WDG – Done!