I’m getting back into my old tradition of starting a drawing on the last day of the year with the intention to finish it in the new year. I know I skipped doing it at least one year since moving to Victoria, but I’m feeling confident that this year I can get it done. I’ve had this picture in my head for a few years now, ever since I first heard the song Believers by How to Destroy Angels. That song is a Renn’tekk song in my head, and it always brings to my mind the image of how overwhelmingly huge and daunting the Crater is, and how it’s very much the tekk’s home, alien to all others who walk there. There’s a lot in there about how the old tekk beliefs centre around a respect for the tikedi rather than the fear and hatred that’s rising in the present day. It’s just full of the big ideas at the core of the tekk and tikedi dynamic.
I’ll keep you guys posted on how this one progresses. Some years it’s taken me months to finish one of these, but I’m hoping that if I stick to my creative plan, I’ll be able to get it done much faster than that.
We’ll call this a test.