First! If you couldn’t get the holiday wallpaper when it was first posted, try it again. There was a posting glitch and the link I had input didn’t take, so I had to code a quick workaround. All should be functioning as intended now. 🙂

Anyway! As many of you know already, I’ve been somewhat in limbo since September. I moved from Alberta to British Columbia and its been a long haul. For many months, my stuff’s been in storage while I’ve been home-hunting and job-hunting.

The good news is that both a home and a job have been found!

The bad news is that in all of the chaos, I’ve fallen woefully behind on comic work, and it doesn’t look like I’ll have time for a bit to do anything new. Starting a new job (my first day is in the beginning of January) is going to take a lot out of me at first and I’m still unpacking and trying to reassemble my home. We’re also currently without an internet connection while we wait for the telecomm company to come hook us up.

I think, all told, that I’m going to be kind to myself and take a proper hiatus both from Patreon and from the comic itself until the beginning of February. By then, I should have my new studio assembled and be settled into my new routine. When I do come back, there shouldn’t be anything else in my way for the forseeable future. I’m looking forward to it. I miss bringing this story to you guys on a regular basis. 🙂

There isn’t much left to Renn’tekk’s story, so I’ll try to finish those up and post them all in one shot once I return, and then we can get back to seeing what’s going on with Jahrd and friends in Gessick.

In the meanwhile, Happy New Year to everyone! Here’s hoping that 2017 is a much kinder year than 2016 has been to so many of us. I love all of you and I can’t wait for more adventures. 😀