…now we’re entering into the Great Big Settling Down.

I’m in Victoria! I have been for a little over a week now. Not quite two weeks. I’m unpacked – or at least my suitcases are – and I’m in temporary lodging, looking for a real home and a real job. There is more (or will be more) about that over here, at the blog I’ve started keeping:


It’s a way to keep friends and family back home updated about my life and my progress, but I think you guys might get a kick out of it, too. If you’re curious about my life, take a look. Feel free to ask me questions. It’ll make me feel more connected to normalcy. đŸ™‚

As for comic stuff, I’m pondering how to handle things, given the situation. I still have enough comics in the buffer and enough goodies for Patreon to last until nearly the end of October, but I actually have my doubts that I’ll have a real home with solid internet in time to avoid having to go on hiatus after that. I packed my belongings into a BigSteelBox for the move and I get to go take a look at it tomorrow, however, so I might be able to get some pieces of my desktop computer out. All except for my monitor and a few unnecessary bits, I think. I can probably use my ancient 8 year old laptop for a monitor in the meanwhile… It might work. I won’t be able to get my art supplies back – those are buried at the back of the box – but I might soon have Photoshop and my Intuos tablet again, even if I don’t have my paints.

So… I’m thinking that if I have time, and I definitely have time right now, I could maybe do some comics that aren’t watercolored? Maybe I could take a pseudo hiatus in order to tell a side story and do the art in Photoshop so I’m not wrecking continuity with a different art style all of a sudden, but I can still provide all of you with content to check out.

It’s an idea.

Orrrrr I just properly go on hiatus. I’m really allergic to going on hiatus. It makes me itchy.

Comments welcome!