Another quick news post here. Once upon a time this site was home to an encyclopedia, but I ended up getting rid of it because I couldn’t take care of it well enough. I’m happy to report that there’s a new one now, maintained by the readers, for the readers, over at this link here:

It’s very much in progress, but it’s already off to a promising start. 🙂 Again, I’ve got to thank you guys for being fabulous and always so helpful and supportive. In this case, especially thanks to J. N. Squire, who’s also the translator and administrator for the French version of Prophecy of the Circle, for starting the new wiki and putting so much work into it already.

I have to craft a little logo for the sidebar so that there’ll always be a permanent link to it, and I’ll aim to have that up by the end of the week. It’s a great project, and I’m super thankful for it. =D