Just a quick note I want to make. If you’ve noticed lately that I’ve been a bit slow at responses, there is an explanation: I’ve been attempting to find a new apartment in my city with a barely-above-1% vacancy rate, and finally, oh finally, I have succeeded. Over the next few weeks I’ll be packing up, cleaning up, and setting up in a much nicer new place. As you can imagine, I might get even more scarce for a while. There’s lots and lots to do. I’ve built up a buffer of comic-story pages already, so there shouldn’t be a noticeable difference to the progression of the story, but I myself will be just about missing.

I’ll mention here when it’s all over and I can get back to normal. We’ll be about three-quarters of the way through the story of Eika and Koro by then, I do believe. I’m glad that it seems well received so far. =)