There are a couple of new ways to follow ProtC for those of you who wield them smart (so they say) portable devices like iPhones and iPads and Androids. Someday I’ll get in on that myself, but until then, there’s no reason why you guys can’t benefit.

I published the RSS feed of both ProtC’s archives and the ProtC art section of deviantArt to its own little eMagazine on the Google Currents app.

Prophecy of the Circle is also mirrored on! They’re a particularly supportive webcomic collective/app for them smart doodads and it’s kind of nifty, in my opinion. I’ve already been made to feel at home thanks to their wonderful staff and community. If it’s handy to you to check the comic out at either of those locations, by all means, they are yours for the using. :) At the least, browse Tapastic. They have some interesting series to offer.

Blah blah technology blah blah this stuff makes me feel old and I’m not even thirty. Technology advancements: STAAAHP. XD