I’d mentioned it before, but with the scene completed as of this page, I’m mentioning it again. I’m taking a fairly lengthy holiday from writing and drawing The Prophecy of the Circle. I’ll be back to posting new story pages on November 19th, and in between I’m going to be working on other projects that I’ve been itching to and haven’t had the time for, as well as taking time to read, play games, watch movies, and basically enjoy as many of the stories of others as I can. I find it’s hard to make your own stories if you aren’t exploring what others are crafting.

I don’t plan to let this page stagnate, however. I have a complete inability to stop doodling and creating, so look back here during the next few weeks for sketches and drawings and, maybe, just maybe, a short story or two if I can clean the rust off of my story-writing skill set. I’ve been doing scripts far too long, though, so no guarantees there.

I’ll be keeping the posts ProtC related here, with the rest being relegated to my Tumblr for those who are interested in non-spoilery bits of my other ideas.

Thanks for understanding, and I’ll see you in November for the next scene, where we go back to Tarsin to check on how Jahrd is doing. There’s the spring festival in Oros coming up, and after his recent run-in with Priestess Aeza, Jahrd has about as much to think about as Aurorin here does…