First, I want to say that I was impressed by the thoughtful comments left on my last journal entry. There were a couple that were really thought-provoking on top of my own fairly basic points. It’s a debate that I can throw my two cents into, but which I didn’t feel I was all that qualified to discuss at length beyond the post itself since… well, politically savvy I  am not so much. Not confidently so, anyway. So while I couldn’t add much personally, I felt the thoughts of others who pass through here were worth pointing out.

Now the reason I’m really writing this: Wow, how neat is this? For some who may be interested, The Prophecy of the Circle is now being actively translated into French at La Prophétie du Cercle! Thanks are in order to one J. N. Squire, who you may or may not have seen wandering around in the comments section. We’ve been emailing back and forth for a while now, getting things ready and today’s the day.

This is so good. When I started posting Prophecy of the Circle, I told myself that my mission statement, so to speak, would be very simple: to just have someone read what I was writing, and look at what I was drawing, and hopefully be glad that they had. If one person took some enjoyment from what I had to offer, then mission accomplished. I’ve achieved that several times over, even made a few friends because of it, and still nothing makes me more giddy than just having someone tell me that they love what I’m putting up here.

And now I get to reach a whole new audience. That’s a really really nice feeling. I hope they like it, too.