Certainties of life: death, taxes, and the inevitable burnout of a computer. Two out of three became a prominent part of my weekend, but it’s the last one there that requires an update from me here. I knew it was coming but alas, not the day nor the hour. It’s an old PC and for ages it’s been giving me signals that it’s not as healthy as I’d like. Saturday was the day when I could no longer ignore it, and it was a pretty major and sudden failure. BOOM.

Fortunately I still have my laptop so I could at least post the comic (which, also thankfully, was complete enough that I didn’t desperately need my PC), but next week’s is in question. I have a new computer to replace the old already (yes, the explosion was that bad) but it’s the rigmarole of getting it pieced together, running, everything installed, all the files back in place, and happily connected and functioning while I script, draw, and paint the next comic in the time that remains on the side. I’m optimistic (as well as a slightly crazy breed of stubborn) but there’s a tiiiiny chance that next week’s comic will be late. Probably not skipped entirely, but yeah, late. I’ll keep you guys posted as the weekend draws nearer.

It’s also a given that I may be scarce this week, which is awful because I’m already badly behind on keeping up with correspondence.

Aaaaahhhhh somebody stop time for me just for a while… XD