All right, even I’m too young to remember that jingle from anything but a Simpsons reference. I’ll drop it.

Summer’s here! In fact, it’s Canada Day where I am, and there are fireworks to celebrate the start of long, lovely summer days.

Well, except for me, actually.

Ever since I turned into one of those creatures called Adults, I’ve had to contend with a job that has its busiest season during July and August. Sometimes I have to take at least a brief hiatus from comic work just to stay sane, and sometimes (usually) I trudge through the whole thing and forego sleep. It all depends on my mood. This year I actually have more on my plate than just a busy day job, and forcing myself to go on was looking to be nigh on impossible. I was planning to go on hiatus, and probably for a month.

But! I have changed my mind. I’ll soldier through this time.

It’s because I’ve reached this particular part of Prophecy of the Circle, The Story of Eika and Koro. I honestly didn’t see it coming until it was here. I’ve always been a bit of a near-sighted writer, in that I know what events are on the horizon, but until they’re right up close I’m not really looking at them clearly. I didn’t realize, at first, that this part of the story would be coming up exactly at the beginning of summer. Now that I’m working on it, I realize that I don’t need to take a break. Summer this year is just going to be a sort of intermission (a tangent if you will, hurr hurr) from Jahrd’s story so that we can learn some key history. The tale works best as a short story rather than a comic, so it’s a bit of a change of pace both for you guys and for me. It’s also quicker for me to create these pages than it is to draw up a whole comic page, hence why the hiatus is no longer necessary.

I’m glad! I hate making you guys wait for me. I’d rather always have something to show on Mondays. This way I can, even if it’s not the main plot-line for a little while.

I hope you enjoy it. 🙂

There are a couple of new ways to follow ProtC for those of you who wield them smart (so they say) portable devices like iPhones and iPads and Androids. Someday I’ll get in on that myself, but until then, there’s no reason why you guys can’t benefit.

I published the RSS feed of both ProtC’s archives and the ProtC art section of deviantArt to its own little eMagazine on the Google Currents app.

Prophecy of the Circle is also mirrored on! They’re a particularly supportive webcomic collective/app for them smart doodads and it’s kind of nifty, in my opinion. I’ve already been made to feel at home thanks to their wonderful staff and community. If it’s handy to you to check the comic out at either of those locations, by all means, they are yours for the using. :) At the least, browse Tapastic. They have some interesting series to offer.

Blah blah technology blah blah this stuff makes me feel old and I’m not even thirty. Technology advancements: STAAAHP. XD

I’m trying to have some foresight for once in my life. I’m always so good at screwing that up and burning myself out. Not this time! I’mma gonna be smart. S-M-R-T.

Basically, next week is going to be a bit hellish for me, and trying to tackle the comic would probably result in sleep-deprived rambling where I intended to put a story. There are certain important times of year at my day job where a lot of work has to be done in a very short time period, and next week is one of those times. I’ve got a lot more responsibility this time, too, so I’m going to be kept hopping. And then when I get home I’m going to be all hopped out and exhausted. It’s best for everyone if I just give it a break for a week.

I’ll still attempt to toss some filler art up here if I can when next Monday rolls around. Drawing takes a lot less of my brain than writing, after all. =P

So there you go! The comic will continue on April 8th! Thanks for understanding, guys.

There’s a neat new app for iPhone (and hopefully, if enough attention is gathered, Android) that really caters to webcomic readers and artists alike. It looks pretty exciting, and they’re calling it Comic Chameleon! I’ll let you check out the site for the full details, because they do a great job of presenting how it’s going to work, but you should. It would be great if something like this took off. 🙂

On that note, I put in my application for Prophecy of the Circle on there, but I could use some audience participation if you can spare it. To any of you who have Twitter or Google+, it really helps if you let the creators know that this story has fans: They make it super easy to do, too!

Now, speaking of comics, I’d better get cracking on mine for next week. It’s time to park my butt for a few hours and throw paint around. ;P